Thursday, April 8, 2010

Navasota to Cleveland, TX (73 miles) Thursday, April 8, 2010

 Today was a rather long ride, but we needn't have been concerned.  The morning was cool (45 degrees) but it did not take long for the day to warm up to a more reasonable temp.  The best temp for riding would be 65 degrees, and I think that was what we had!  There was a soft, cool wind from the north, and our route was mostly easterly.

What was even better, the route was mostly flat with some occasional gentle rollers on WONDERFULLY smooth roads!   We felt like we were flying! 

Of course there were those occasional "share the road" moments...



We made such good time, we stopped to see a new colt with its mother, saw an Emu in someone's field, and checked out the huge lake we crossed.  The road seemed to have been run right through Lake Conrowe!  This is only the northern tip of a very big lake!

We spent much of our day riding the roads through the Sam Houston National Forest.  The Sag stop was especially beautiful.  Between the wonderful smell of the pine filled woods, and the birds in the trees, we had a picturesque day!

Tomorrow will be 64 miles to Silsbee, Texas